![]() Dai no Shin Ji Buddhists |
Email us nmc@alphacorps.us
The Dainoshin ji temple
To gather in the field deep in meditation.
The Dai no Shin Ji temple means big field Mind Zen temple, the Daino shin ji temple is a Buddhist temple in the sect of Zen. Master Hughes Dai osho of the Dainoshin ji is presently in Houston meeting Houston Buddhists. Master Hughes Roshi Shinkai Kosei is a Member of the Order of the Boundless way Mugendo Zen Kai .
Quiet a few people have asked us to teach in Houston , and
we are looking for a place to teach in the Conroe or the
woodlands area. The dai no shin temple which is located is in Jacksonville, just below Tyler Texas. The Dainoshin temple in Jacksonville will only be open on the last weekend of the month. While Master Hughes travels to the Houston area . If you are in the Houston , Conroe area you may contact us by email nmc@alphacorps.us Contact us by email nmc@alphacorps.us
If you are interested in Buddhism contacts us. Buddhist groups in other communities are welcome to apply for associated status.; The center housed the first Buddhist Sangha in all of North East Texas. Dano Shen Ryu is intended to be a place where those of us who have accepted Buddhism as a way can discuss and practice it . Through the centuries, Buddhism has become an amalgamation of folk beliefs as well as traditional wisdom. But Zen centers on the central principles (The Four
Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path) taught by its founder, which, are
valid today as they ever were. We
practice Buddhism without the cultural baggage. We as Buddhists recognize all schools styles, traditions, at our center we also teach Zen dharma. We welcome individuals who are not members of a Buddhist center or who do not have access to a center. Members practicing any form of Buddhism are welcome. Houston Buddhists |