Buddha one who is awakened
If a person wants to find the Buddha you must look within. You must investigate your mind dispelling the ignorance gained thru years of opinions, and clarify your nature. Zen sight!
You must investigate it when standing, sitting or lying. When speaking or silent. Even eating or drinking.
Unclutter the mind the understanding of Zen is within.
When you have exhausted all efforts, let go of all sense of self. When you find the mountain that you cannot cross.
Give up exhausted, mentally and physically, cling to nothing, for you can take nothing with you. Then the gate of Zen will open.
And as suddenly as a lightening bolt strike. Insight, will fall upon you like a spring shower. With blistered feet, an exhausted mind, you will have the resolve of Fudoshin ( literally Immovable mind), you will understand Zanshin (literrally remaining spirit) and will have experienced Mushin ( literally no mind).
In Buddhism, to Namaste
Buddhists typically bow to rid themselves of attachment to ego and vanity, this binds one to samsara. To bow to and say Namaste to an elder, friend, guru, statue of the Buddha, or even a stranger is a sign of respect rather than devotion. The bow of respect contributes tangibly to the path away from attachmentment, it crushes the ego.
Dainoshin Ji
Dainoshin ji means big field mind temple, Zen buddhism the dainoshin ji teaching program was First established in Jacksonville Tx where it operated for 20 years. I have now moved to Conroe.
The purpose is to help people develop their Zen abilities the path to Zen.
Welcome To Zen in the woods a dainoshin ji effort, be aware all articles on Master Hughes are for the purpose of promoting Buddhism . I hope you will enjoy reading about Master Hughes efforts through his lifetime. He has been in retreat for many years. Please note were are working on this website so thier might be small problems so be kind and see our effort. The Dainoshin Ji teaching program represents more than Three decades of continuous Buddhist education in Texas, making it one of the longest-standing formal Zen training programs in the region. Its migration from Jacksonville to Conroe signifies a expansion of its spiritual footprint in the Lone Star State. Master Hughes: The Guiding Force At the core of Zen in the Woods stands its founder and spiritual leader, Master Hughes, whose life journey exemplifies the principles he teaches. Known by his Buddhist name Shinkai-kosei (meaning "Deep ocean") and referred to respectfully as "Dai roshi," Master Hughes embodies the role of the venerated Zen teacher or "old master".
Zen in the woods a DAI NO SHIN JI project