Philippine traditions customs and etiquette


 Common traits Filipinos are hospitable but sensitive to criticism. Education and a strong sense of dignity are highly valued. As a result, confrontation in any form is avoided whenever possible and even the word ‘no’ is used sparingly. So beng critical of a filipino wont make you any freinds.

A Filipino will jerk the head upward to indicate ‘yes’ or general agreement. ‘No’ is indicated when the head is jerked downward. but , a philipino may indicate ‘no’ with his head but say ‘yes’. This is only meant to soften the ‘no’  This may be misunderstood by americans as  an affirmative response.

A handshake is  standard  greeting between both sexes; however, a man should wait for a woman to extend her hand before initiating the handshake. Filipino handshakes are much limper than the Western variety, and a firm grip can come across as aggressive.

Philippinos like to laugh and is often used during time of tension or social awkwardness. Don’t assume that laughter is at your expense, as it’s often a social grace extended for your benefit.

 Staring is considered confrontational They also dont like to be looked directlyin the eyes. Avoid doing this, but  the  tourist may be stared at when visiting rural areas and minority villages, just smile and dont make a issue of it.

As in a lot of spainish cultures ,Standing with hands on the hips is considered a sign of anger. Raising your voice can to.

 The quantity, two, is indicated with the little finger and ring finger—not with the index and middle fingers. Make sure that you don’t beckon a Filipino by curling your index finger back and forth, as this may be misinterpreted as an insult. Instead, extend your arm with your palm facing downward and wag your fingers toward you.

Dining Etiquette
Filipinos like to  entertain. If a Filipino in a restaurant or club invites you to sit down or offers you food, it is polite to decline the first time. If the offer comes again, have a seat and enjoy the hospitality. But when in a bar be careful of someone spiking your drink with drugs.

Keep in mind that Filipino culture is laid back regarding invitations and punctuality they view tim differently and are often late.  And being on time to a invitation may be considered rude.

If you invite a filipino to diner  In all likelihood, a local may accept a dinner invitation without realizing that you were serious.

Even if you receive a definite ‘yes’ call again and confirm whether or not they plan to attend. As a general rule, the third invitation is taken quite seriously.

When eating in public, it is polite to keep your hands above the table at all times. So as not to appear greedy, Filipinos leave a small amount of food on their plate when finished. place your spoon and fork on the plate to indicate that you’ve finished.

Wherever you travel in the Philippines, you’re sure to come across a turo turo (literally translated as ‘point-point’). As might be expected, you should approach the counter at these cafeteria style places and simply point to the food you would like to order.

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