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Anti kidnapping training in Texas


We have worked with corporate  America and International clients. New york, Texas, India, China. We provide security training classes for corporate staff.

Our programs are propritary and no other agency in the U.S. can provide them.   We provide corporate events and training.  Protecting staff from hostage situations, Provide anti-carjacking and anti kidnapping training. Travel security awarness training

We provide security awarness training, and security training classes


There are very few companies like Alphacorps that can provide specialized training. look at our background who you know counts call us.
Anti kidnapping and hostage survival training for Texas companies and those traveling overseas. Alphacorps provides training consultation and management of security programs.
1 in 10 business trips will involve the staff member becoming involved in a difficult or dangerous situation. Take a look at our s pdf.pdf"> Pdf newsletter
Executive protection, Anti kidnapping hostage survival seminars Corporate safety training programs. 1 to 3 days Executive security or Safe travel basics program 2 to 8 hours. Personal safety for employees who travel.

Texas companies now face the repercussions of the wars in Mexico or maybe your employees are working in the Philippines or Thailand. Companies now face new risks of kidnapping or attack, Anti kidnapping or hostage training helps protect your employees and to mitigate liability and risk to employees.
In the Philippine and countries with a Spanish background kidnaping can be a common scenario .

Are you trying to protect employees from kidnapping, learn how to avoid urban kidnappings. Interested in Anti carjacking training, crisis training , risk management, anti kidnapping training for management or travel safety in Houston. Risk management, basic security safety, corporate security we handle safety security programs.
We can teach your staff greater awareness when out and about, anywhere in the world. We will show them techniques to deal with a variety of threats, from general instances, such as robbery or mugging, to the specific threat of sexual assault or abduction.

Our courses cover a range of highly practical subjects with preventative measures forming a principal part. We help staff recognize the signs before an act occurs through the assessment of people, reading body language and being aware of what is around them. We bring these to life through a variety of scenarios from walking in the street to being at home or work.