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Humanitarian resource center



 1. Understand their organizational mission and how it is likely to be perceived by other stakeholders in the area of operation.

 2. Have a foundation of knowledge of the conflict actors history ect.

3. Be aware of basic security procedures .

4. Understand threats to be  that will most likely be encountered. on the ground.

 5. Have training to  developed a personal stress management coping strategy.  Humanitarian training, Hostile environment Operational security & social engineering,

 Social services safety, Crisis management, Trauma  training services, Cultural training, Human trafficking Anti violence programs, Hostile environment, Personal safety, Travel safety, 4 wheel drive operation Critical incident, victim services, crisis center training, traumatic stress training, If your organization has a resource send us the details.     We provide education and training to  Buddhist humanitarian missions. , Government agencies, disaster relief agencies, Domestic and violence centers humanitarian, hospitals, nonprofits, government, law enforcement and emergency relief services and educational agencies.  Help us with our Traumatic stress training project for Humanitarian disasters in Asian countries.